Every New Year comes with a plan to get fit, eat right, and make better choices. Perhaps this year it’s time to rev up your marketing campaign and highlight a few assets you may have been overlooking last year. Digital efforts account for roughly 25% of all advertising dollars spent and are expected to increase 33% overall. Now don’t panic, you don’t need to start firing your execs and cut off the dollars you spend on your interns. Here are some ways you can get your 2015 Digital Campaign off to a healthy start.
Send BETTER emails, not more. A large majority of these points will revolve around content and writing strategically. Emails are no stranger to any of us. Some may think that emails are a thing of the past and something that can simply be overlooked – think again. It is crucial to craft your emails to appeal to each audience you are targeting. Think in terms of attracting them and turning them into a sale versus pushing sales on your audience. We want to avoid receiving those “please stop” emails, and an increase of the “tell me more” kind.
Be a human. Relatable, humanized campaigns will be clear winners in 2015. Social media has allowed businesses to get first-hand information from customers and relate on more personal levels. One out of every three marketers is able to track ROI via their social media platforms. Track ROI and determining where to express your strengths when utilizing social media. There is no need to have every platform out there. It’s more practical to choose around five platforms, and stick to them. Allow the whole crew to get involved in social media postings. A diverse selection of posts makes your organization more relatable, and rank higher in SEO.
Write. Better. Content. Times sure are a-changing. In 2015 there will be a huge call for quality hand-crafted content. Well worded pieces increase rankings on SEO and ROI. All previous points tie into this final concept. Be humanized in your content practices. In this case, it may be necessary to reinvent the wheel a little. Overhaul your content efforts to be tailored to your audience, toss in a little bit of humor, and let it all blend together. Keep in mind your method of distributing content. Moreover, users will be utilizing mobile platforms over the coming years. Quick blurbs, pictures, and even the occasional comedic GIF are great ways to adjust to changing preferences and appeal to your markets effectively.
There are truly endless ways to revamp your 2015 Digital Marketing campaign. For the sake of keeping blogs short, and utilizing the most out of my workday, I leave you with the tips above. It is apparent that being human and relatable to your consumers are high in priority. Now, how will you make the most of your 2015?