Client Resources
The link for Ad Creative Specifications will provide you all of the details needed to build your own creative for KeyMedia Solutions. This printable PDF file will provide you detailed specifications for standard IAB banner ads, mobile ads, and video ads as well as text ads for search engines, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Need more information? Contact us today and we will get it to you.
Not sure what the difference is between a CPC, CPA, CPM or CPV? This link will take you to the Internet Advertising Bureau’s WIKI page of terms, definitions, and jargon. Because the industry is changing so fast, the IAB started this centralized location where marketers, agencies, and interactive publishers can collaboratively populate a database of information on interactive advertising. (Or you can call us and we will help.)
IAB Ad Standards & Creative Guidelines
Here is another great resource when designing your ads for the digital space. You will find industry standards, the latest trends in ad units and creative guidelines.