When it comes to online marketing for small businesses, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter are often considered the big three social media networks that companies need to engage their audience on. While digital advertising agencies can help businesses formulate tweets, Inc. Magazine has offered some tips on what companies may want to tweet to their loyal followers.

According to the source, companies should focus on sharing information that their target audience would find interesting. Rather than having direct links to their website or blog, it should be an article or tips that are related to their industry. Rather than directly plugging their own product, companies should assert themselves as a generous knowledge base or expert in the given industry or field.

Furthermore, businesses should also tweet in a way that emphasizes the human aspect of the company. Rather than posting deals, discounts or upcoming promotions, tweets should have a more personal aspect to them that show followers there are people behind the brand and internet marketing campaign. Pictures of office celebrations or co-workers help provide a behind-the-scenes effect that can draw in customers and build deeper relationships.

And thirdly, while the first two suggestions bring in a more philanthropic role to internet marketing, the use of Twitter-only promotions or deals is an effective way to grab followers' attention and can be used as an immediate call to action. This also gives more consumers a reason to follow a company, knowing that at any moment they can procure a deal on a product or service they need just from following them on Twitter.

By following these three rules, companies will be sure to not only increase the number of Twitter followers their business account may have, but also create a more engaging and connected audience.