When marketing your business, one of the most important things your company can do is make sure that it has a unified brand. From the design of the company's name, to the size and font of the text your employees use, to the images and logo that are put on every web page and document, developing a brand is crucial to eventually achieving brand recognition. By taking a careful approach your business can build enduring logos like McDonald's Golden Arches or Apple's bitten apple.

With company websites and social media, getting your company more brand recognition is easier than ever. One of the fastest ways to do so is to set up a Facebook Timeline page for your company. Timeline combines the Facebook interface with a unique layout that allows you to make the page look very distinct, particularly with its large cover photo.

"It's certainly worth taking some time to make your cover photo stunning, creative, functional, or all of the above," writes Corey Eridon in a recent post for HubSpot.

When selecting a cover photo, keep in mind that this photo or image should be of high quality, large size – so that it doesn't get stretched out – and should seek to demonstrate your company's vision, tone and style. Text, such as a company tagline, can certainly be incorporated into the design, but it needs to be set up in such a way that it should be largely image-based.

In the Timeline's smaller photo that accompanies it, your business can upload its official company logo. In this way, it is still clear that it is your company's page, but you have a more artistic and aesthetically pleasing cover photo.